Tuesday 15 July 2008

Why should harassment be acceptable?

The latest - just as everything is coming into bloom - is paint splattered over some of my containers and plants - some splashes even reached my front door.

More of the same paint was poured on top of my numbered green bin - the farthest bin from the site of the rest of the damage. So clearly meant for me. Perhaps the culprit was disturbed before being able to ruin my entire display!

Plant supports removed and thrown on the front lawn.

Having been driven from my proper garden at the rear of the property, I have been cultivating this container display in the space under the side window of my bed-sitting room towards my porch. I jump at every loud noise and wonder what will be next :(

Why should I have to contend with this ongoing nastiness?

Left: this happened at the end of May when I was getting my display ready for the summer.
I needed help to remove my heavy plant compost bin down from where it had been dumped to crush my flowers.

Above right: picture taken after hearing a loud noise at around 08.30 on a June Sunday morning!
Below right: a different view of the result!

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