Thursday 4 September 2008

Copy of letter to our PM

The Prime Minister
Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP
10 Downing Street
4th September 2008

Dear Mr Brown,
As the head of our UK government, please explain a phenomenon from the dark ages that still seems to exist in the 21st century.

I am fighting a battle against corruption and injustice here in North Devon and continually being told to 'give in' for my own good.
A local police officer has defamed my character by declaring me in need of support from the local health team as in his view I am paranoid! He did this one year ago but has now confirmed that he stands by his opinion, in writing, to a bona fide journalist.
Please explain
i)What qualification does a police inspector have to make such a judgment?
ii)If this officer is of such an opinion, why did he not refer me for the said support?
iii)If on the other hand I am in fact not suffering from paranoia why are my concerns not being taken seriously by my police force?
iv)Why the perpetrator of the main course of harassment who finally received a simultaneous caution in July 2007 for two offences committed in the April still lives above me and the harassment is still going on?
v)Why do members of the public I explain my plight to and the to me obvious Masonic connection in officialdom's failure to help me say: “Be careful, they are like the Mafia.” or “Be careful you have family”?
vi)Why do others who should try to assist me just give me lectures in 'moving on' and how many people in the world are less fortunate?

All I have asked for is justice.

Is it not time for genuine open-ness in our society? If Freemasons really have nothing to hide why is there a need for secrecy? Why are so many people afraid of challenging them?
It seems to me Jack Straw's initiative in 1998 was just a charade to lead the public into thinking all was above board. Well you can fool some people some of the time but not all the people all of the time.
A growing number of people are waking up to the truth – it is only a matter of time.

Perhaps you as our Prime Minister could set a good example by declaring your own affiliations/memberships and calling for true regulation by means of a National Mandatory Register of memberships of Free Masonry and affiliated fraternities including the Eastern Star for ALL (no matter how lowly the position) who work in any public office.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs X

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