Wednesday 17 September 2008

No 10 acknowledged my letter!

The personal invite to the PM has of course been neatly 'sidestepped', no real surprise there.

My letter has been passed to the Home Office so that they can reply on his behalf;
so now waiting to see how long they take to think up some excuses for the behaviour of my police!

I suppose I should feel honoured that my letter was not binned! Most people thought it would be. So I have an official reply to treasure for posterity, lol.

The power of publicising such things on the Internet :)

1 comment:

langwiz said...

Have finally received a letter from the Home Office telling me how to make a complaint against police! Nothing I didn't know already or couldn't have found online! No reply as to their qualification for judging my mental health. Silence speaks volumes.

The other questions have also still been neatly sidestepped! I wonder why?