Wednesday 15 October 2008

An Apology

to any decent Mason, who really believes in the ideal and is not a member for their own advantage. I'm sorry if this site may seem offensive to you.

I know there must be some out there, alas few and far between as far as I can see.

Unfortunately I have encountered too many of the 'string-pulling' and 'back-covering' variety :(


Inspector Morse said...

I cant believe in this day and age that people like you think that being a Mason is anything more than being part of a charity fellowship.

All that bumph about string-pulling and good Masons and bad Masons is rubbish.

Conspiracy theorist... No men on the moon...Princess Di assassinated...blah de blah de blah.
Where will it end?

Get back to reality!

langwiz said...

Well I don't believe in this day and age that anyone could really presume that we are all so dumb. My opinion - and that of many others - of Masonry has nothing to do with conspiracy theories. Please do not try to dumb my issues down with such nonsense.

I know several people who have been harmed by Masonry, it's just that most people are too scared to speak out.

Try looking at Hansard from 1998 and ask why Jack Straw acted as he did if everything is sooo innocent?

So Inspector Morse, what I said on on 'name-n-shame' would seem to apply to you too:

"Poor Getalife. Obviously just a 'foot soldier' who does not have a clue about the machinations of the higher ranks!"

Inspector Morse said...

What a load of rubbish you spout.
You know a lot of people who have been harmed by Masonry? I bet you do!

You dont mention the good works they do though do you?

For someone who brags about not being stupid you just showed that you are!

Youre the one that needs to get a life!