Saturday 8 November 2008

Our Democratic Rights

Folks it is time to exercise our rights.

For example = withholding access to the Minutes of Parish Council Meetings is against the law. They must be stored for perpetuity and the public have a right to request access.

People Power - we need to use the
Freedom of Information Act 2000
and the
Data Protection Act 1998
Time to check whether justice and democracy are being upheld in our own backyards. We can stop the rot - but we need to start close to home.
Too many local politicians are too complacent - enjoying their power/expenses but not worrying about their constituents.
Don't sit back and just grumble if something seems amiss - research the truth and do something about your findings.
Here is an interesting link:
This quote on the above site seems so apt:
"Elections are decided by the votes of the uneducated many for the corrupt few."
George Bernard Shaw.
Feel free to post comments. Topics of general importance/interest will be featured in future posts.

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